Recapping the 2024 Youth Honduras Trip

Learn more about JFM Youth's recent mission trip to Honduras! To hear even more stories from the trip, join us at one of our usual church services on July 28!
Pastor Josh Turner, youth pastor
"JFM, thank you so much for your support for our Honduras team! With your help, our team was able to provide clean drinking water and protection from mosquitoes to a whole village in Trujillo! There are kids and families drinking safe, clean water and sleeping soundly under their mosquito nets because of your sacrifice! Not only were we able to provide for these physical needs, but our partnership with Amor Viviente Church in Tocoa and Trujillo is stronger than ever! Amor Viviente, as well as its Pastors and leaders, continues to share the gospel near and far!"
Ali Carmody, high school senior
"In Honduras, I had many opportunities like serving others and growing closer with the youth group. The biggest thing that I experienced there was joy. The joy of the church we partnered with was like I’ve never experienced before. It was amazing to see how even for a place with so little, they seemed to be so full with God’s joy and peace! This reminds me of the verse Philippians 4:4-5. “Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.” On this mission trip I was reminded so many times of the joy that I can have in the Lord! And especially since this experience, I hope to start radiating that type of joy more!"
Katelyn Clanton, first steps and young adult coordinator
"This trip was amazing for so many different reasons. Being able to experience Honduran culture and love on a specific community alongside the Trujillo church was so encouraging. Our time there gave me so many reasons to be grateful and praise the Lord. I loved seeing our students engage with the kids in the community and learning how to communicate with a language barrier. My favorite memory was getting to hold a sweet baby girl who was very sleepy while her mom learned how to use and assemble a water filter for her home. At the end of the presentation, I asked if I could walk with her to her home since there was a lot to carry. She was very thankful and it brought me so much joy to be able to serve her that way. I'm so thankful for the way the Lord worked in the hearts of our whole team on this trip!"


Learn more about JFM Youth's recent mission trip to Honduras! To hear even more stories from the trip, join us at one of our usual church services on July 28!