Connections Team

If you are interested in joining our team, please submit your info below!
Here at JFM our connections team exists to help people feel welcomed into our church family and grow in their relationships with the Lord and others!

Our team is made up of several smaller teams that serve specific purposes.

Welcome Team - This is our greeting team that meets you at the front door, helps engage new guests, and is there to direct people on Sunday mornings.

Cafe Team - This team helps serve coffee and donuts each Sunday!

Safety Team - This team is responsible for making sure our building is safe and secure, and helping out if an emergency should occur.

Next Steps - This team is responsible for walking alongside people that are looking to take a next step in their faith journey. They are there to pray with you and get you connected to the pastors and staff that can help you take that next step.

Parking Team - This team welcomes people right from the parking lot. They help direct traffic and point people towards open spots. This team opperates on Sunday mornings and for special events.

Special Events Team - We do lots of whole church special events throughout the year. As a part of this team, you will get an email for each serving opportunity and then you can volunteer for specific events and roles. 
Please select one option.


If you are interested in joining our team, please submit your info below!