The Care Force...
is a group of people committed to providing spiritual care and encouragement for the elderly, hospitalized, ill, hurting and grieving in their time of need whether they are in the hospital, a care facility or at home. This ministry is provided through a specialized, gifted, dedicated, and equipped team of volunteers.
JFM Care Force Members...
- Bring additional support to individuals and families beyond what the pastoral staff is able to provide
- Visit those who are hospitalized and provide surgery after-care support
- Provide ministry to our JFM shut-ins so they feel loved and not forgotten
- Support and encourage those in Hospice Care
- Assist and comfort those who are grieving the loss of a loved one
- Initiate any further support needed from the pastoral staff members
The Funeral Dinner Team is another important team at JFM that cares for those who have lost loved ones. We need people willing to provide salads or desserts. We also need people available to help with meal preparation and clean-up on the day of funerals. Smiles and caring hearts are so important at these times.
If you are interested in connecting with Pastor Mark about joining the Care Force team or the Funeral Dinner Team, please submit your contact info below.